Anigif        Der Autor Heinz Strauss schreibt über österreichische Marinegeschichte. Seine Dokumentationen – „Denksteine“ – sind vorwiegend den Personen der k.u.k. Kriegsmarine gewidmet.       RSS feed abonnieren  Den feed von online lesen
„[…]so bin ich ganz der Meinung, dass etwas geschehen müsste,
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Welcome to Marineautograph.Wien!

Here you can find information about the literature written by the Austrian author Heinz Strauss.

After his son Andreas has joined the Austrian Military academy and his class has chosen the name of the famous submarine commander „Georg Ritter von Trapp“ as year name, Heinz Strauss focused his interests on the Austrian–Hungarian monarchy, especially on the Imperial and Royal War Navy.

The literature mainly bases on unpublished correspondence of soldiers of all military ranks who have served in the Imperial and Royal military at that time. Their private and often confidential impressions are framed with well-researched background information and pictures out of that period.

The motivation of the author to write this kind of literature is the response to the request made by counter admiral Erich Heyssler about 100 years ago „[]…So I think that something would have to happen to set a memorial stone for our old navy, so that it does not vanish from the world view just as it has disappeared from history.“.

Even we cannot get in contact with those historical people directly any more, their letters give us the best idea about their thinking, decisions, fears and sometimes joy they have experienced during this interesting time.

The literature is currently only available in German. However we are aware that interests as well as competences in this topic are spread all over the world so that we would appreciate to get in contact with you, exchange thoughts, answer your questions and ship our literature to you worldwide.

So thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact me right now via E-Mail under

With compliments,

Heinz Strauss